What’s new in React 18?
DATE:Introduction: What is React? React is an independent and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces.The current version of React 18 provides developers with improved features to create a Great User Experience. Some of the improvements are Automatic Batching: Groups all state updates which in turn improves performance. Transitions: Is now more sophisticated and …
Flutter vs React Native
DATE:Many new technologies have evolved because of the increasing demand for cross-platform products. Facebook’s React Native and Google’s Flutter have created a lot of buzz in the cross-platform app development market. These two trending technologies are both known for high performance, and many enterprises and big brands are embracing them to come out with value-driven …
What’s new in React 18?
June 30, 2022-
What’s new in React 18?
DATE:Introduction: What is React? React is an independent and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces.The current version of React 18 provides developers with improved features to create a Great User Experience. Some of the improvements are Automatic Batching: Groups all state updates which in turn improves performance. Transitions: Is now more sophisticated and …
Flutter vs React Native
DATE:Many new technologies have evolved because of the increasing demand for cross-platform products. Facebook’s React Native and Google’s Flutter have created a lot of buzz in the cross-platform app development market. These two trending technologies are both known for high performance, and many enterprises and big brands are embracing them to come out with value-driven …